In 1979, Helen O'Grady, a trained drama teacher and actress began after-school drama classes for children in Perth, Australia. Her goal was to provide a developmental program for children through drama. Due to its rapid acceptance, she soon began franchising her program across Australia and then around the world.
As of today her program is offered in over 25 countries. Drama Kids is the exclusive provider of the Helen O’Grady franchise system in the U.S. We have been developing franchises in the United States since 2000, using Helen’s program as its foundation, while carefully customizing the concept for the specific demands of the U.S. market. Today there are over 50,000 students currently enrolled worldwide, with over 10,000 students now enrolled in the United States! This makes Drama Kids the largest after-school drama program in the U.S. and we are excited about the significant growth to come.
We offer you the opportunity to love what you do, enjoy a flexible lifestyle, make a powerful and significant impact on the lives of children, and build a successful business for yourself that you can take pride in.
Research has shown that drama can be effectively used to improve children’s self-esteem, self-confidence, speaking and communication, creative thinking and problem solving skills. The children’s activity industry has been one of the fastest growing segments of the economy in the past decade and it has proven to be highly recession-resistant.
We offer the opportunity for carefully selected franchise owners to build a proven, home-managed business that provides a variety of drama-related educational programs, primarily for children and young adults, ages 4-17, using a progressive curriculum that allows students to have some serious fun, while also enabling them to develop important skills in a wide variety of important areas including:
The Drama Kids program helps prepare children for educational and life-long challenges and opportunities, including college interviews and presentations. This is something that no competitors in the children’s after-school program business can offer. We truly develop important skills for college and beyond.
Our franchisees love what they do, but, don't be mistaken, Drama Kids offers our franchisees financial freedom and independence within a family-friendly, thriving business model. Drama Kids businesses are managed from a home office with classes taught daily throughout the franchise owner’s exclusive territory in schools, and community locations. Overhead is extremely minimal, and owners can enjoy a great business and a flexible lifestyle with weekends, school holidays, and many summer weeks off.
Drama Kids is a low investment concept – unlike other children’s enrichment programs, there are no big equipment or supply expenses required to start. The average initial investment has been under $50,000. The exact investment amount will be determined by your specific market of interest. No other franchise system provides more for less:
“I really wanted to do something for myself to grow and develop personally. Drama Kids offers me a way to contribute as a teacher and recently, as a trainer of teachers, by using a class schedule that I set up and control. I can still be a great mother and wife, but also enjoy teaching fun drama classes as well.”
– Valeria Marto, Drama Kids of Columbus, GA
"My Drama Kids business has exceeded my expectations in my first semester of ownership! (Fall 2014). I just started my first classes this fall and have been overwhelmed by the positive reception that my Drama Kids business has received by schools. I now have one community class and 12 classes in schools with several more schools wanting me to offer classes in their facilities. I have just hired my first teachers so that I can meet the demand. Drama Kids has taken a lot of commitment and hard work, but so far it has been a wonderful business opportunity for me, and my efforts are paying off much faster than I could have imagined. My kids love it as well!"
– Chris Densmore, Crown Point, Indiana
Now is the perfect time to start a Drama Kids franchise business! If you are looking for a business that will allow you to have fun, help children succeed and enjoy a flexible lifestyle, while also offering great business income potential, then Drama Kids may be right for you. To learn more about what becoming a Drama Kids franchise owner can mean for you, fill out the form on the right and we will call you with more information.